OA(Open Access)期刊简介:
开放获取 (Open Access ,简称 OA) 期刊,又称“开放获取期刊”,是指人们自由获取公众网上经同行评审的科学文献、科学研究成果、学位论文、技术报告、科研工作进展等科研信息的一种新的学术传播方式,允许读者对这些文献作包括阅读、下载、拷贝、传播、检索等处理。 2001 年布达佩斯会议将开放获取描述为:可以免费在公共网上得到,允许读者阅读、下载、复制、传播、打印、检索或者链接文章的全文,可以制作索引,把它们作为软件数据库,或者为了其他合法的目的使用而不存在资金、法律、技术障碍。对复制与传播的唯一约束就是,应确保作者有权利控制他们成果的完整性并使成果得到认可与引用。
◇ 开放:每个人随时随地都可以从本站获取所需的资源;
◇ 平等:每个人都应该拥有平等的获取知识的权利;
◇ 互助:每个人都应该发扬互助的精神,本站愿意作为一个发扬“互助”、“交流”的平台,让互助和爱的精神传遍全球!
[按学科出本站收集的全球权威OA期刊]: |
一、化学化工类 |
序号 |
OA 期刊名 |
OA 期刊信息 |
网站入口 |
1 |
Acta Chimica Slovenica
Print ISSN :1318-0207 Online ISSN :1580-3155
Publisher:Slovenian Chemical Society |
WebSite>> |
2 |
Acta Crystallographica Section E
Print ISSN :1600-5368
Publisher:Blackwell |
WebSite>> |
3 |
Analytical Chemistry Insights |
Print ISSN :1177-3901
Publisher:Libertas Academica |
WebSite>> |
4 |
1.Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry Section A (Inorganic Chemistry)
2 .Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry Section B (Organic Chemistry)
3. Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry Section C (Physical Chemistry)
Publisher:Royal Society of Chemistry |
WebSite>> |
5 |
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Publisher:European Geosciences Union |
WebSite>> |
6 |
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions
Publisher:European Geosciences Union |
WebSite>> |
7 |
Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry
Online ISSN :1860-5397
Publisher:Beilstein Institute for the Advancement of Chemical Sciences |
WebSite>> |
8 |
Biodiesel Bulletin EssayStar.com
Publisher:National Biodiesel Board |
WebSite>> |
9 |
Print ISSN :1930-2126
Publisher:College of Natural Resources, North Carolina State University |
WebSite>> |
10 |
Chemical & Biochemical Engineering Quarterly
Publisher:Croatian Association of Chemical Engineers |
WebSite>> |
11 |
Chemical Education International
Publisher:International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry |
WebSite>> |
12 |
Chemical Journal on Internet
Print ISSN :1523-1623
Publisher:Molecular Diversity Preservation International |
WebSite>> |
13 |
Chemistry Central Journal
Online ISSN :1752-153X
Publisher:Chemistry Central |
WebSite>> |
14 |
Chemistry Education: Research and Practice
Publisher:University of Ioannina |
WebSite>> |
15 |
Chemistry International
Publisher:International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry |
WebSite>> |
16 |
E-Journal of Chemistry
Print ISSN :0973-4945
Publisher:www publications (P) India |
WebSite>> |
17 |
Print ISSN :1618-7229
Publisher:European Polymer Federation |
WebSite>> |
18 |
International Journal of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Print ISSN :1307-7449
Publisher:World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology |
WebSite>> |
19 |
International Journal of Electrochemical Sciencee
Print ISSN :1452-3981
Publisher:Electrochemical Science Group |
WebSite>> |
20 |
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Publisher:Molecular Diversity Preservation International |
WebSite>> |
21 |
Journal of Chemical Sciences
Publisher:Indian Academy of Sciences |
WebSite>> |
22 |
Journal of the Argentine Chemical Society
Publisher:Asociacion Quimica Argentina |
WebSite>> |
23 |
Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society
Publisher:Iranian Chemical Society |
WebSite>> |
24 |
Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Print ISSN :1857-5552 Online ISSN :1857-5625
Publisher:Society of the Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia |
WebSite>> |
25 |
Open Analytical Chemistry Journal
Print ISSN :1874-0650
Publisher:Bentham open |
WebSite>> |
电子信息类 |
序号 |
OA 期刊名 |
OA 期刊信息 |
网站入口 |
1 |
- Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications |
Print ISSN: 0005-1144
Publisher: KoREMA - Croatian Society for Communications, Computing, Electronics, Measurement and Control |
WebSite>> |
2 |
ETRI Journal |
Publisher: Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |
WebSite>> |
3 |
Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science |
Publisher: Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea |
WebSite>> |
4 |
IEE Electronics Education |
Publisher: Institution of Electrical Engineers |
WebSite>> |
5 |
Power Electronics Technology |
Publisher: PRIMEDIA Business Magazines & Media Inc. |
WebSite>> |
6 |
Institution of Engineers: Electronics and Telecom Engineering |
Publisher: Institution of Engineers, India |
WebSite>> |
7 |
International Journal of Electronics, Circuits and Systems |
Print ISSN: 1307-4156
Publisher: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology |
WebSite>> |
8 |
International Journal of Power Management Electronics |
Print ISSN: 1687-6679 E-ISSN: 1687-6687
Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation |
WebSite>> |
9 |
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications & Computer Sciences |
Print ISSN: 0916-8508 E-ISSN: 1745-1337
Publisher: Oxford University Press |
WebSite>> |
10 |
Compound Semiconductor |
Publisher: Franklin Publishing |
WebSite>> |
11 |
Linux Magazine |
Publisher: Quarter Power Media |
WebSite>> |
12 |
MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semi Conductor Research |
Publisher: Materials Research Society |
WebSite>> |
13 |
Frontiers in Neural Circuits |
Print ISSN: 1662-5110
Publisher: Frontiers Research Foundation |
WebSite>> |
数学类 |
序号 |
OA 期刊名 |
OA 期刊信息 |
网站入口 |
1 |
Mathematics Educator |
Publisher: Mathematics Education Student Association |
WebSite>> |
2 |
Journal of Formalized Mathematics |
Publisher: Journal of Formalized Mathematics |
WebSite>> |
3 |
Pacific Journal of Mathematics |
Publisher: Pacific Journal of Mathematics |
WebSite>> |
4 |
The Mathematics Educator |
Print ISSN: 1062-9017
Publisher: The Mathematics Education Student Association (MESA), University of Georgia |
WebSite>> |
5 |
Illinois Journal of Mathematics |
Print ISSN: 0019-2082
Publisher: Illinois Jrl of Math - Dept of Mathematics |
WebSite>> |
6 |
Experimental Mathematics |
Print ISSN: 1058-6458
Publisher: A K Peters, Ltd |
WebSite>> |
7 |
Internet Mathematics |
Publisher: A K Peters Ltd |
WebSite>> |
8 |
Mathematical Communications |
Print ISSN: 1331-0623
Publisher: Department of Mathematics, University of Osijek |
WebSite>> |
9 |
Annals of Mathematics |
Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press |
WebSite>> |
10 |
Applied Mathematics E-Notes |
Publisher: European Mathematical Society |
WebSite>> |
11 |
Applied Mathematics Research eXpress |
Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation |
WebSite>> |
12 |
Armenian Journal of Mathematics |
Print ISSN: 1829-1163
Publisher: National Academy of Sciences of Armenia |
WebSite>> |
13 |
Computational and Applied Mathematics |
Publisher: Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional |
WebSite>> |
14 |
Indiana University Mathematics Journal |
Publisher: Indiana University |
WebSite>> |
15 |
Open Applied Mathematics Journal |
Print ISSN: 1874-1142
Publisher: Bentham open |
WebSite>> |
16 |
Open Mathematics Journal |
Print ISSN: 1874-1177
Publisher: Bentham open |
WebSite>> |
17 |
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics |
Print ISSN: 1027-5487
Publisher: Mathematical Society of the Republic of China (Taiwan |
WebSite>> |
18 |
Turkish Journal of Mathematics |
Publisher: Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey |
WebSite>> |
19 |
Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics |
Publisher: Universidad Católica del Norte |
WebSite>> |
20 |
Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics |
Print ISSN: 1452-8630
Publisher: University of Belgrade and Academic Mind |
WebSite>> |
21 |
New York Journal of Mathematics |
Publisher: University of Albany |
WebSite>> |
22 |
Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly |
Publisher: International Press |
WebSite>> |
23 |
Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal |
Publisher: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology |
WebSite>> |
24 |
Asian Journal of Mathematics & Statistics |
Print ISSN: 1994-5418
Publisher: Asian Network for Scientific Information |
WebSite>> |
25 |
Journal of Mathematics and Statistics |
Publisher: Science Publications |
WebSite>> |
26 |
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences |
Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation |
WebSite>> |
27 |
Journal of Applied Mathematics & Decision Sciences |
Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation |
WebSite>> |
28 |
Southwest Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics |
Publisher: European Mathematical Society |
WebSite>> |
29 |
LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics |
WebSite>> |
30 |
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education |
Print ISSN: 1305-8223
Publisher: Moment Publications |
WebSite>> |
31 |
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science |
Publisher: University of Zielona Gora, Institute of Control and Computation Engineering |
WebSite>> |
32 |
International Online Journal of Science and Mathematics Education |
Publisher: University of the Philippines Diliman |
WebSite>> |
33 |
Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics |
Publisher: Victoria University of Technology |
WebSite>> |
34 |
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences |
Print ISSN: 1307-6906
Publisher: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology |
WebSite>> |
35 |
International Journal of Open Problems in Computer Science and Mathematics |
Print ISSN: 1998-6262
Publisher: Irbid National University |
WebSite>> |
物理学类 |
序号 |
OA 期刊名 |
OA 期刊信息 |
网站入口 |
1 |
Physics World |
Publisher: Institute of Physics Publishing |
WebSite>> |
2 |
AIP Physics News |
Publisher: American Institute of Physics |
WebSite>> |
3 |
Chinese Journal of Physics |
Publisher: Chinese Journal of Physics |
WebSite>> |
4 |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series |
Print ISSN: 1742-6588 E-ISSN: 1742-6596
Publisher: Institute of Physics (IOP) |
WebSite>> |
5 |
Condensed Matter Physics |
Publisher: Institute for Condensed Matter Physics |
WebSite>> |
6 |
Journal of Nuclear and Radiation Physics |
Print ISSN: 1687-420X
Publisher: Egyptian Nuclear Physics Association |
WebSite>> |
7 |
Journal of Undergraduate Research in Physics |
Publisher: Society of Physics Students |
WebSite>> |
8 |
High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine |
Publisher: High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine |
WebSite>> |
9 |
Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics |
Publisher: Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics |
WebSite>> |
10 |
Living Reviews in Solar Physics |
Publisher: Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute |
WebSite>> |
11 |
Ukrainian Journal of Physics |
Print ISSN: 0960-6068
Publisher: Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine |
WebSite>> |
12 |
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry |
Print ISSN: 1812-9471 E-ISSN: 1817-5805
Publisher: B.I. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine |
WebSite>> |
13 |
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics |
Publisher: Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics |
WebSite>> |
14 |
Acta Physica Polonica |
Print ISSN: 1509-5770
Publisher: Institute of Physics |
WebSite>> |
15 |
Physics and Philosophy |
Print ISSN: 1863-7388
Publisher: University of Dortmund |
WebSite>> |
16 |
Armenian Journal of Physics |
Print ISSN: 1829-1171
Publisher: National Academy of Sciences of Armenia |
WebSite>> |
17 |
Brazilian Journal of Physics |
Publisher: Sociedade Brasileira de Física |
WebSite>> |
18 |
Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal |
Publisher: University of Texas at Austin |
WebSite>> |
19 |
New Journal of Physics |
Publisher: IOP. |
WebSite>> |
20 |
Physics Journal of the IPS |
Print ISSN: 1410-8860
Publisher: Indonesian Physical Society |
WebSite>> |
21 |
PMC Physics |
Print ISSN: 1754-0410
Publisher: PhysMath Central |
WebSite>> |
22 |
Research Letters in Physics |
Print ISSN: 1687-689X E-ISSN: 1687-6903
Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation |
WebSite>> |
23 |
Turkish Journal of Physics |
Publisher: Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey |
WebSite>> |
24 |
Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics |
Print ISSN: 1313-1311
Publisher: Hikari Ltd |
WebSite>> |
25 |
Advances in High Energy Physics |
Print ISSN: 1687-7357 E-ISSN: 1687-7365
Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation |
WebSite>> |
26 |
Iranian Journal of Physics Research |
Print ISSN: 1682-6957
Publisher: Isfahan University of Technology |
WebSite>> |
27 |
The African Physical Review |
Print ISSN: 1970-4097
Publisher: The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics |
WebSite>> |
28 |
Journal of Physics Teacher Education Online |
Print ISSN: 1559-3053
Publisher: Illinois State University |
WebSite>> |
29 |
Physical Review Special Topics : Physics Education Research |
Print ISSN: 1554-9178
Publisher: American Physical Society |
WebSite>> |
30 |
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics |
Publisher: International Press |
WebSite>> |
31 |
Physics Journal of Indonesian Physical Society |
Publisher: Indonesian Physical Society |
WebSite>> |
自动化与人工智能类 |
序号 |
OA 期刊名 |
OA 期刊信息 |
网站入口 |
1 |
Managing Automation |
Publisher: Thomas Publishing Company LLC |
WebSite>> |
2 |
Manufacturing Automation |
Publisher: CLB Media Inc |
WebSite>> |
3 |
Scientific Computing & Automation Online |
Publisher: Cahners Business Information |
WebSite>> |
4 |
Open Automation and Control Systems Journal |
Print ISSN: 1874-4443
Publisher: Bentham open |
WebSite>> |
5 |
Inteligencia Artificial. Ibero-American Journal of Artificial Intelligence |
Print ISSN: 1137-3601
Publisher: Spanish Association for Intelligence Artificial (AEPIA). |
WebSite>> |
6 |
Inteligencia Artificial |
Publisher: Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence |
WebSite>> |
7 |
Athena Intelligence Journal |
Print ISSN: 1988-5237
Publisher: Athena Intelligence |
WebSite>> |
8 |
Journal of Artificial Intelligence |
Print ISSN: 1994-5450
Publisher: Asian Network for Scientific Information |
WebSite>> |
9 |
Open Artificial Intelligence Journal |
Print ISSN: 1874-0618
Publisher: Bentham open |
WebSite>> |
10 |
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research |
Publisher: AI Access Foundation |
WebSite>> |
11 |
The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research |
Print ISSN: 1076-9757
Publisher: AI Access Foundation |
WebSite>> |
12 |
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence |
Print ISSN: 1989-1660
Publisher: ImaI-Software |
WebSite>> |
13 |
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience |
Print ISSN: 1687-5265 E-ISSN: 1687-5273
Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation |
WebSite>> |
14 |
Information, Interaction, Intelligence Journal |
Print ISSN: 1630-649X
Publisher: CEPADUES |
WebSite>> |
15 |
International Journal of Computational Intelligence |
Publisher: World Enformatika Society |
WebSite>> |
16 |
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation |
Publisher: SimSoc Consortium |
WebSite>> |
17 |
Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications |
Print ISSN: 1687-6229 E-ISSN: 1687-6237
Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation |
WebSite>> |
18 |
International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining |
Publisher: Inderscience Enterprises Limited |
WebSite>> |
建筑工程学类 |
序号 |
OA 期刊名 |
OA 期刊信息 |
网站入口 |
1 |
Architronic : The Electronic Journal of Architecture |
Print ISSN: 1066-6516
Publisher: School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Kent State University |
WebSite>> |
2 |
Middle East Technical University Journal of the Faculty of Architecture |
Print ISSN: 0258-5316
Publisher: Middle East Technical University / Faculty of Architecture |
WebSite>> |
3 |
Prostor, a scholarly journal of architecture and urban planning |
Print ISSN: 1330-0652 E-ISSN: 1333-9117
Publisher: Faculty of architecture, University of Zagreb |
WebSite>> |
4 |
Livraisons d' Histoire de l' Architecture |
Print ISSN: 1627-4970
Publisher: Association Livraisons d' histoire de l' architecture ; Persée |
WebSite>> |
5 |
Architecture Australia |
Publisher: Royal Australian Institute of Architects |
WebSite>> |
6 |
Mimar: Architecture in Development |
Print ISSN: 0129-8372
Publisher: Concept Media; ArchNet |
WebSite>> |
7 |
ACE : Architecture, City and Environment |
Print ISSN: 1886-4805
Publisher: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
WebSite>> |
8 |
Facta Universitatis. Series Architecture and Civil Engineering |
Print ISSN: 0354-4605
Publisher: University of Nis |
WebSite>> |
9 |
Arara. Art and Architecture of the Americas |
E-ISSN: 1465-5047
Publisher: University of Essex, Department of Art History and Theory |
WebSite>> |
10 |
Journal of Engineering, Computing and Architecture |
E-ISSN: 1934-7197
Publisher: Scientific Journals International (Saint Cloud, MN) |
WebSite>> |
11 |
Kenchiku-zasshi / Journal of Architecture and Building Science |
Print ISSN: 0003-8555
Publisher: Nihon Kenchiku Gakkai |
WebSite>> |
12 |
Nordic Journal of Building Physics |
Publisher: Swedish Council for Building Research |
WebSite>> |
13 |
Journal of Building Surveying |
Publisher: Building Surveying Division, Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors |
WebSite>> |
14 |
Constructing the Future |
Print ISSN: 1465-3788
Publisher: Building Research Establishment |
WebSite>> |
15 |
Building Operating Management |
Publisher: Trade Press Publishing Corp |
WebSite>> |
16 |
Open Construction & Building Technology Journal |
Print ISSN: 1874-8368
Publisher: Bentham open |
WebSite>> |
17 |
Lean Construction Journal |
Publisher: Lean Construction Institute |
WebSite>> |
18 |
International Journal of Construction Education and Research |
Publisher: Associated Schools of Construction |
WebSite>> |
19 |
Construction & Demolition Recycling |
NO. |
WebSite>> |
20 |
Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction |
Publisher: Swedish Council for Building Research |
WebSite>> |
材料科学|纳米科学 |
序号 |
OA 期刊名 |
OA 期刊信息 |
网站入口 |
1 |
Material Handling Management |
Publisher: Penton Media, Inc |
WebSite>> |
2 |
Anais do Museu Paulista: História e Cultura Material |
Print ISSN: 0101-4714
Publisher: Museu Paulista, Universidade de S?o Paulo |
WebSite>> |
3 |
World Wide Wounds |
Print ISSN: 1369-2607
Publisher: Surgical Materials Testing Laborator |
WebSite>> |
4 |
MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semi Conductor Research |
Publisher: Materials Research Society |
WebSite>> |
5 |
Materials Research |
Publisher: Universidade Federal de S?o Carlos |
WebSite>> |
6 |
Functional Materials |
Print ISSN: 1027-5495
Publisher: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine |
WebSite>> |
7 |
Materials Structure |
Print ISSN: 1211-5894
Publisher: Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association |
WebSite>> |
8 |
Materials Physics and Mechanics |
Publisher: Advanced Study Centre Co. Ltd |
WebSite>> |
9 |
Journal of Electronic Materials |
The Journal of Electronic Materials reports on the science and technology of electronic materials while examining new applications for semiconductors, magnetic alloys, insulators, and optical and display materials. |
WebSite>> |
10 |
Bulletin of Materials Science |
Print ISSN: 0250-4707
Publisher: Indian Academy of Sciences |
WebSite>> |
11 |
Advanced Performance Materials |
Publisher: Matrice Technology |
WebSite>> |
12 |
Open Materials Science Journal |
Print ISSN: 1874-088X EssayStar.com
Publisher: Bentham open |
WebSite>> |
13 |
Materials and Technologies |
Publisher: Institute of Metals and Technology |
WebSite>> |
14 |
Research Letters in Materials Science |
Print ISSN: 1687-6822 E-ISSN: 1687-6830
Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation |
WebSite>> |
15 |
Reviews on Advanced Materials Science |
Publisher: Advanced Study Centre Co. Ltd |
WebSite>> |
16 |
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials |
Publisher: Forum of Chalcogeniders |
WebSite>> |
17 |
Institution of Engineers: Metallurgical and Materials Engineering |
Publisher: Institution of Engineers, India |
WebSite>> |
18 |
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials |
Print ISSN: 1468-6996 E-ISSN: 1878-5514
Publisher: Institute of Physics (IOP) |
WebSite>> |
19 |
Otto-Graf-Journal : Annual Journal on Research and Testing of Materials |
Print ISSN: 0938-409X E-ISSN: 0938-409X
Publisher: Materialprüfungsanstalt (MPA), Universit?t Stuttgart |
WebSite>> |
20 |
Journal of Nanomaterials |
Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation |
WebSite>> |
21 |
Nano Science and Technology |
Nano Science and Technology Institute |
WebSite>> |
22 |
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology |
NO. |
WebSite>> |
23 |
Open Nanoscience Journal |
Print ISSN: 1874-1401
Publisher: Bentham open |
WebSite>> |
计算机科学 |
序号 |
OA 期刊名 |
OA 期刊信息 |
网站入口 |
1 |
Computer Bits Online |
Publisher: Computer Bits Online |
WebSite>> |
2 |
Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis |
Publisher: Computer Vision Center |
WebSite>> |
3 |
INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science |
Print ISSN: 1807-4545
Publisher: Federal University of Lavras, Dept. Computer Science |
WebSite>> |
4 |
Innovations in Teaching And Learning in Information and Computer Sciences |
Publisher: Centre for Information and Computer Sciences |
WebSite>> |
5 |
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security |
Print ISSN: 1738-7906
Publisher: International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security |
WebSite>> |
6 |
Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology |
Publisher: Australian Computer Society |
WebSite>> |
7 |
Express Computer |
Publisher: Indian Express Group |
WebSite>> |
8 |
ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics |
Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery |
WebSite>> |
9 |
Computer Industry Report |
NO. |
WebSite>> |
10 |
Computer Sciences and Telecommunications |
Publisher: Internet Academy |
WebSite>> |
11 |
Computer Technology Review |
NO. |
WebSite>> |
12 |
Federal Computer Week |
Publisher: Fcw Government Technology Group |
WebSite>> |
13 |
Journal of Computer Science |
Publisher: Science Publications |
WebSite>> |
14 |
Print ISSN: 1473-7507
Publisher: Higher Education Academy Subject Network for Information & Computer Sciences |
WebSite>> |
15 |
Australasian Journal of Information Systems |
Print ISSN: 1326-2238
Publisher: Australasian Association for Information Systems and Australian Computer Society |
WebSite>> |
16 |
Advances in Human-Computer Interaction |
Print ISSN: 1687-5893 E-ISSN: 1687-5907
Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation |
WebSite>> |
17 |
Institution of Engineers: Computer Engineering |
Publisher: Institution of Engineers, India |
WebSite>> |
18 |
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication |
Publisher: Annenberg School for Communication |
WebSite>> |
19 |
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society |
Publisher: Sociedade Brasileira de Computa??o |
WebSite>> |
20 |
Journal of Universal Computer Science |
Print ISSN: 0948-6968
Publisher: Graz University of Technology and Know-Center |
WebSite>> |
21 |
Logical Methods in Computer Science |
Publisher: Technical University of Braunschweig |
WebSite>> |
22 |
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science |
Publisher: European Mathematical Society |
WebSite>> |
23 |
IAENG International Journal of Computer Science |
Print ISSN: 1819-656X E-ISSN: 1819-9224
Publisher: IAENG - International Association of Engineers |
WebSite>> |
24 |
International Journal of Computer Games Technology |
Print ISSN: 1687-7047 E-ISSN: 1687-7055
Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation |
WebSite>> |
25 |
International Journal of Computer Science & Applications |
Print ISSN: 0972-9038
Publisher: Technomathematics Research Foundation |
WebSite>> |
26 |
International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering WebSite |
Print ISSN: 1307-3699
Publisher: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology |
WebSite>> |
27 |
Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, and Communications |
Print ISSN: 1687-7381 E-ISSN: 1687-739X
Publisher: Hindawi Publishing Corporation |
WebSite>> |
28 |
Journal of Computer Science and Technology |
Print ISSN: 1666-6046 E-ISSN: 1666-6038
Publisher: ISTEC (Iberoamerican Science & Technology Education Consortium), Graduate Network of Argentine Universities |
WebSite>> |
29 |
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences |
Publisher: Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey |
WebSite>> |
30 |
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science |
Publisher: University of Zielona Gora, Institute of Control and Computation Engineering |
WebSite>> |
31 |
Meridian (Raleigh): a middle school computer technologies journal |
Print ISSN: 1097-9778
Publisher: North Carolina State University |
WebSite>> |
32 |
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences |
Print ISSN: 1307-6906
Publisher: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology |
WebSite>> |
33 |
International Journal of Computer and Information Science and Engineering |
Print ISSN: 1307-4164
Publisher: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology |
WebSite>> |
34 |
International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering |
Print ISSN: 1307-430X
Publisher: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology |
WebSite>> |
35 |
International Journal of Computer, Information, and Systems Science, and Engineering |
Print ISSN: 1307-2331
Publisher: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology |
WebSite>> |
36 |
International Journal of Open Problems in Computer Science and Mathematics |
Print ISSN: 1998-6262
Publisher: Irbid National University |
WebSite>> |
37 |
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications & Computer Sciences |
Print ISSN: 0916-8508 E-ISSN: 1745-1337
Publisher: Oxford University Press |
WebSite>> |
38 |
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences |
Print ISSN: 1300-0632 E-ISSN: 1303-6203
Publisher: Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey |
WebSite>> |
39 |
International Journal of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering |
Print ISSN: 1307-5179
Publisher: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology |
WebSite>> |
生物工程类 |
序号 |
OA 期刊名 |
OA 期刊信息 |
网站入口 |
1 |
Bio-IT World |
Publisher: Bio-IT World Inc |
WebSite>> |
2 |
Schrot & Korn |
Print ISSN: 0931-1068
Publisher: Bio-Verlag, Aschaffenburg |
WebSite>> |
3 |
Bio-Nachrichten: Zeitschrift für ?kologischen Landbau und gesunde Ern?hrung |
Print ISSN: 0178-4765
Publisher: Biokreis |
WebSite>> |
4 |
Herpetological Conservation and Biology |
Print ISSN: 1931-7603
Publisher: Herpetological Conservation and Biology |
WebSite>> |
5 |
Cell Biology Education |
Publisher: American Society for Cell Biology |
WebSite>> |
6 |
Molecular Biology of the Cell |
Print ISSN: 1059-1524
Publisher: American Society for Cell Biology |
WebSite>> |
7 |
Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters |
Publisher: Polish Society for Cell Biology |
WebSite>> |
8 |
Experimental Biology and Medicine |
Print ISSN: 1535-3702 E-ISSN: 1535-3699
Publisher: Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine |
WebSite>> |
9 |
Gene Therapy & Molecular Biology |
Publisher: International Society of Gene Therapy & Molecular Biology |
WebSite>> |
10 |
The FASEB Journal - Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology |
Print ISSN: 0892-6638 E-ISSN: 1530-6860
Publisher: The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology |
WebSite>> |
11 |
Biokemistri |
Print ISSN: 0795-8080
Publisher: Nigerian Society for Experimental Biology |
WebSite>> |
12 |
Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis |
Print ISSN: 0065-1400 E-ISSN: 1689-0035
Publisher: Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology |
WebSite>> |
13 |
Acta Protozoologica |
Print ISSN: 0065-1583 E-ISSN: 1689-0027
Publisher: Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology |
WebSite>> |
14 |
Aquatic Biology |
Print ISSN: 1864-7782 E-ISSN: 1864-7790
Publisher: Inter-Research |
WebSite>> |
15 |
Biology Direct |
E-ISSN: 1745-6150
Publisher: BioMed Central Ltd |
WebSite>> |
16 |
BMC Biology |
Print ISSN: 1741-7007 E-ISSN: 1741-7007
Publisher: BioMed Central Ltd |
WebSite>> |
17 |
Genome Biology |
Print ISSN: 1465-6906 E-ISSN: 1465-6906
Publisher: Current Science Group |
WebSite>> |
18 |
Human Biology |
Human Biology: The International Journal of Population Biology and Genetics |
WebSite>> |
19 |
PLoS Biology |
Publisher: Public Library of Science |
WebSite>> |
20 |
Journal of Biological Chemistry |
Print ISSN: 0021-9258 E-ISSN: 1083-351X
Publisher: American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
WebSite>> |
21 |
Journal of Lipid Research |
Print ISSN: 0022-2275 E-ISSN: 1539-7262
Publisher: American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
WebSite>> |
22 |
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics |
Print ISSN: 1535-9476 E-ISSN: 1535-9484
Publisher: American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
WebSite>> |
23 |
Ukrainica Bioorganica Acta |
Publisher: Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics |
WebSite>> |
24 |
Bioscene |
Publisher: Association of College and University Biology Educators |
WebSite>> |
25 |
The Journal of Cell Biology |
Print ISSN: 0021-9525 E-ISSN: 1540-8140
Publisher: Rockefeller University Press |
WebSite>> |
26 |
Genetics and Molecular Biology |
Publisher: Brazilian Society of Genetics |
WebSite>> |
27 |
Molecular and Cellular Biology |
Print ISSN: 0270-7306 E-ISSN: 1098-5549
Publisher: American Society for Microbiology |
WebSite>> |
28 |
Molecular Biology and Evolution |
Print ISSN: 0737-4038 E-ISSN: 1537-1719
Publisher: Oxford University Press |
WebSite>> |
29 |
Biology of Exercise |
Print ISSN: 1791-325X
Publisher: University of Peloponnese |
WebSite>> |
30 |
Algorithms for Molecular Biology |
E-ISSN: 1748-7188
Publisher: BioMed Central Ltd |
WebSite>> |
31 |
Biology of Reproduction |
Print ISSN: 0006-3363 E-ISSN: 1529-7268
Publisher: Society for the Study of Reproduction |
WebSite>> |
32 |
BMC Cell Biology |
Print ISSN: 1471-2121 E-ISSN: 1471-2121
Publisher: BioMed Central Ltd |
WebSite>> |
33 |
BMC Evolutionary Biology |
Print ISSN: 1471-2148 E-ISSN: 1471-2148
Publisher: BioMed Central Ltd |
WebSite>> |
34 |
BMC Molecular Biology |
Print ISSN: 1471-2199 E-ISSN: 1471-2199
Publisher: BioMed Central Ltd |
WebSite>> |
35 |
BMC Systems Biology |
E-ISSN: 1752-0509
Publisher: BioMed Central |
WebSite>> |
36 |
Brazilian Journal of Biology |
Publisher: Instituto Internacional de Ecologia |
WebSite>> |
37 |
Egyptian Journal of Biology |
Publisher: Faculty of Pharmacy, College of Health Sciences, University of Nairobi |
WebSite>> |
38 |
In Silico Biology |
Print ISSN: 1386-6338 E-ISSN: 1434-3207
Publisher: Bioinformation Systems e. V |
WebSite>> |
39 |
Integrative and Comparative Biology |
Print ISSN: 1540-7063 E-ISSN: 1557-7023
Publisher: Oxford University Press |
WebSite>> |
40 |
Journal of Biology |
Journal of Biology Open access to excellent research |
WebSite>> |
41 |
Journal of Experimental Biology |
Print ISSN: 0022-0949
Publisher: Company of Biologists Ltd |
WebSite>> |
42 |
Open Biology Journal |
Print ISSN: 1874-1967
Publisher: Bentham open |
WebSite>> |
43 |
Open Conservation Biology Journal |
Print ISSN: 1874-8392
Publisher: Bentham open |
WebSite>> |
44 |
Open Marine Biology Journal |
Print ISSN: 1874-4508
Publisher: Bentham open |
WebSite>> |
45 |
PLoS Computational Biology |
Publisher: Public Library of Science |
WebSite>> |
46 |
Turkish Journal of Biology |
Publisher: Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey |
WebSite>> |
47 |
Molecular Systems Biology |
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group |
WebSite>> |
48 |
Cell Research (?ltere Jahrg?nge) |
Print ISSN: 1001-0602 E-ISSN: 1748-7838
Publisher: Shanghai Institute of Cell Biology, Nature Publishing Group NPG |
WebSite>> |
49 |
Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews |
Print ISSN: 1092-2172 E-ISSN: 1098-5557
Publisher: American Society for Microbiology |
WebSite>> |
50 |
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology |
Print ISSN: 1079-5642
Publisher: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins |
WebSite>> |
51 |
Biology of the Cell |
Print ISSN: 0248-4900 E-ISSN: 1768-322X
Publisher: Portland Press |
WebSite>> |
52 |
Current Issues in Molecular Biology |
Print ISSN: 1467-3037 E-ISSN: 1467-3045
Publisher: Caister Academic Press |
WebSite>> |
53 |
International Journal of Integrative Biology |
Print ISSN: 0973-8363
Publisher: Omics Group |
WebSite>> |
54 |
BMB Reports (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Reports) |
Print ISSN: 1225-8687 E-ISSN: 0219-1024
Publisher: Springer |
WebSite>> |
55 |
The World Wide Web Journal of Biology |
Print ISSN: d000-0057
Publisher: Epress Inc |
WebSite>> |
56 |
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology |
Print ISSN: 1044-1549
Publisher: American Thoracic Society |
WebSite>> |
57 |
Current Biology EssayStar.com |
Print ISSN: 0960-9822
Publisher: Cell Press; Elsevier |
WebSite>> |
58 |
Developmental Biology (1995 bis ?lter als 12 Monate) |
E-ISSN: 0012-1606
Publisher: Elsevier |
WebSite>> |
59 |
Folia Biologica: Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology |
Publisher: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic |
WebSite>> |
60 |
International Journal of Biomedical |
Publisher:International Journal of Biomedical.
IABS is a professional organization devoted to the advancement of knowledge of human health and disease. It aims to promote the translation of basic research into clinical investigation, and to convert clinical evidence into practice.
WebSite>> |
医学工程类 |
序号 |
OA 期刊名 |
OA 期刊信息 |
网站入口 |
1 |
Yale Medicine |
Publisher: Yale University School of Medicine |
WebSite>> |
2 |
McGill Journal of Medicine |
Publisher: McGill Journal of Medicine |
WebSite>> |
3 |
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine |
Print ISSN: 0141-0768
Publisher: Royal Society of Medicine |
WebSite>> |
4 |
Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine |
Publisher: Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine |
WebSite>> |
5 |
Journal, Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine |
Publisher: Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine |
WebSite>> |
6 |
Einstein Journal of Biology and Medicine |
Publisher: Albert Einstein College of Medicine |
WebSite>> |
7 |
Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine |
Publisher: American Board of Family Medicine |
WebSite>> |
8 |
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene |
Print ISSN: 0002-9637
Publisher: American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene |
WebSite>> |
9 |
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine |
Print ISSN: 1936-900X E-ISSN: 1936-9018
Publisher: Department of Emergency Medicine, University of California, Irvine |
WebSite>> |
10 |
Medicina |
Publisher: Kaunas University of Medicine |
WebSite>> |
11 |
Yonago Acta Medica |
Publisher: Tottori University Faculty of Medicine |
WebSite>> |
12 |
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery |
Publisher: Hong Kong Academy of Medicine |
WebSite>> |
13 |
Hong Kong Medical Journal |
Publisher: Hong Kong Academy of Medicine |
WebSite>> |
14 |
Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences |
Publisher: Kobe University School of Medicine |
WebSite>> |
15 |
Marmara Medical Journal |
Print ISSN: 1019-1941
Publisher: Marmara University, School of Medicine |
WebSite>> |
16 |
North Carolina Medical Journal |
Publisher: North Carolina Institute of Medicine |
WebSite>> |
17 |
Yonsei Medical Journal |
Publisher: Yonsei University College of Medicine |
WebSite>> |
18 |
BioPsychoSocial Medicine |
E-ISSN: 1751-0759
Publisher: BioMed Central |
WebSite>> |
19 |
Occupational Medicine |
Print ISSN: 0962-7480 E-ISSN: 1471-8405
Publisher: Oxford University Press |
WebSite>> |
20 |
Chinese Medicine |
Chinese Medicine , the official journal of the International Society for Chinese Medicine , is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal that encompasses all aspects of research on Chinese medicine, provided the material, methods, results, and conclusions are evidence-based, scientifically justified, and ethical. |
WebSite>> |
21 |
Hopkins Medicine |
Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press |
WebSite>> |
22 |
Minnesota Medicine |
Publisher: Minnesota Medical Association |
WebSite>> |
23 |
Open Medicine |
Print ISSN: 1911-2092
Publisher: Open Journal Systems |
WebSite>> |
24 |
PLoS Medicine |
Publisher: Public Library of Science |
WebSite>> |
25 |
Biomedical Papers |
Print ISSN: 1213-8118
Publisher: Palacky University, Olomouc , Faculty of Medicine |
WebSite>> |
26 |
Journal of Medical Ultrasound |
Publisher: Society of Ultrasound in Medicine R.O.C |
WebSite>> |
27 |
Clinical Medicine : Circulatory, Respiratory and Pulmonary Medicine |
Print ISSN: 1178-1157
Publisher: Libertas Academica |
WebSite>> |
28 |
Clinical Medicine : Cardiology |
Print ISSN: 1178-1165
Publisher: Libertas Academica |
WebSite>> |
29 |
Open Cardiovascular Medicine Journal |
Print ISSN: 1874-1924
Publisher: Bentham open |
WebSite>> |
30 |
Annals of Internal Medicine |
Print ISSN: 0003-4819
Publisher: American College of Physicians |
WebSite>> |
31 |
Annals of Thoracic Medicine |
Print ISSN: 1817-1737
Publisher: Medknow Publications |
WebSite>> |
32 |
Open Respiratory Medicine Journal |
Print ISSN: 1874-3064
Publisher: Bentham open |
WebSite>> |
33 |
Clinical Medicine : Pathology |
Print ISSN: 1178-1181
Publisher: Libertas Academica |
WebSite>> |
34 |
Open Pediatric Medicine Journal |
Print ISSN: 1874-3099
Publisher: Bentham open |
WebSite>> |
35 |
Topics in HIV Medicine |
Publisher: International AIDS Society |
WebSite>> |
36 |
GMS Psycho-Social-Medicine |
Print ISSN: 1860-5214
Publisher: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House,Düsseldorf, Germany |
WebSite>> |
37 |
Experimental and Molecular Medicine |
Publisher: Korean Society of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
WebSite>> |
38 |
Annals of Saudi Medicine |
Publisher: King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre |
WebSite>> |
39 |
Clinical Medicine & Research |
Print ISSN: 1539-4182 E-ISSN: 1554-6179
Publisher: Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation |
WebSite>> |
40 |
Clinical Medicine : Case Reports |
Print ISSN: 1178-6450
Publisher: Libertas Academica |
WebSite>> |
41 |
Head & Face Medicine |
E-ISSN: 1746-160X
Publisher: BioMed Central Ltd |
WebSite>> |
42 |
International Archives of Medicine |
E-ISSN: 1755-7682
Publisher: BioMed Central |
WebSite>> |
43 |
Journal of Experimental Medicine |
Print ISSN: 0022-1007 E-ISSN: 1540-9538
Publisher: Rockefeller University Press |
WebSite>> |
44 |
Libyan Journal of Medicine |
Print ISSN: 1819-6357
Publisher: Ibnosina Medical Association and Alfatah University, Faculty of Medicin, Tripoli |
WebSite>> |
45 |
Stanford Medicine Magazine |
Publisher: Stanford University |
WebSite>> |
46 |
Malta Medical Journal |
Print ISSN: 1813-3339
Publisher: Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Malta |
WebSite>> |
47 |
Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine |
Publisher: Yazd Research & Clinical Center for Infertility Medical Research |
WebSite>> |
48 |
Annals of Family Medicine online |
Print ISSN: 1544-1709 E-ISSN: 1544-1717
Publisher: HighWire |
WebSite>> |
49 |
Internet Journal of Internal Medicine |
Publisher: Internet Scientific Publication |
WebSite>> |
50 |
Journal of Chinese Clinical Medicine |
Print ISSN: 1562-9023
Publisher: Hong Kong Medical Technologies Publisher |
WebSite>> |
51 |
British Journal of Sports Medicine |
Print ISSN: 0306-3674 E-ISSN: 1473-0480
Publisher: BMJ Publishing Group |
WebSite>> |
52 |
American Journal of Chinese Medicine |
The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, which is defined in its broadest sense possible, publishes original articles and essays relating to traditional or ethnomedicine of all cultures. Areas of particular interest include: |
WebSite>> |
53 |
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine |
Publisher: Cleveland Clinic Foundation |
WebSite>> |
54 |
International Journal of General Medicine |
Print ISSN: 1178-7074
Publisher: Dove Medical Press Ltd |
WebSite>> |
55 |
New England Journal of Medicine |
Publisher: Massachusetts Medical Society |
WebSite>> |
56 |
Santo Tomas Journal of Medicine |
Publisher: University of Santo Tomas |
WebSite>> |
57 |
Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine |
Publisher: Tohoku University Medical Press |
WebSite>> |
58 |
Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine |
Publisher: Library Publishing Media |
WebSite>> |
59 |
QJM: An International Journal of Medicine |
Print ISSN: 1460-2725 E-ISSN: 1460-2393
Publisher: Oxford University Press |
WebSite>> |
60 |
CNS Spectrums: The International Journal of Neuropsychiatric Medicine |
Publisher: MBL Communications, Inc |
WebSite>> |
61 |
Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences |
Print ISSN: 1816-272X
Publisher: INSInet Publications |
WebSite>> |
62 |
International Journal of Molecular Medicine and Advance Sciences |
Publisher: Medwell Online |
WebSite>> |